In spite of being an IT professional, Joao Pedro Silva has kept an interest on biology since an early age. By his 16th birthday he received his first SLR camera and has photographed wildlife ever since, especially the smaller and more cryptic animals. By 2000, some of his friend divers encouraged him to start photographing underwater and this has turned into a serious addiction. It was then that he found his first nudibranch, a Flabellina babai, an animal so beautiful as intriguing that he decided to know a bit more about these animals. Most of his dives are now oriented towards finding and documenting nudibranchs (and other opistobranchs), aswell as trying to provide more information to other fellow divers. More recently he has also presented lectures on the Portuguese nudibranch species and has helped on the identification of some of the species presented on the most recent underwater marine life field guide for continental Portugal (“Guia de Espécies Submarinas: Portugal – Berlengas”, Nuno Vasco Rodrigues, Paulo Maranhão, Pedro Oliveira, José Alberto). He’s also maintaining a blog on Portuguese opistobranchs: (in Portuguese). His motto: “Know what to look for and look to know more”.

Nudibranch Species Photographed by João Pedro Silva

(96 species)

Nudibranch Photos by João Pedro Silva