As briefly mentioned on the About Us page, the all new Nudi Pixel, which was released in 2024, will implement a community-based concept. This means that support from contributors is crucial for the continuity and sustainability of Nudi Pixel. There are several things that contributors can do. Of course, you must be registered and logged in to access the following features:


Upload Photo

We strongly encourage people to participate by submiting their nudibranch photos. But as this web site serves as an educational tool as well as reference guide in identifying nudibranch, we certainly hope you understand that we will only publish limited amount of quality pictures. Thus, stringent quality control of the submitted one will be carried out. Of course we, team of Nudi Pixel, would like to thank you very much for your submissions and very much appreciated your works.


Review the Identification

As you may already aware, we, behind Nudi Pixel, are simply nudibranch lovers and not marine biologist, thus we got some unidentified species of nudibranch or sea slugs here. and once in a while, we made a mistake in identifying a species. If you go to any photo page (for instance, this photo of Chromodoris coi) and you think the identification is wrong, click on the link next to the species name to sugggest the correction (link will be visible if you already logged in).


Published Identity

We have lots of nudibranch photos, to strengthen the identification or to simply correct the misidentified, we have a page called Published Identity where contributors can agree or suggest changes to any published photos. Go to Published Identity page.


Published Quality

Even though all published photos have been reviewed before it is published. Prior to 2024, all photos were reviewed by Erwin himself but 2024 onwards, it will be reviewed by everyone of us, Nudi Pixel contributors. The system opens the possibililty for everyone to vote on quality by simply choosing thumbs up or thumbs down on every photo. The photo with highest score has the chance to represent the species on any web pages. Go to Published Quality page.


Pending Identity

In the past, all newly uploaded photos will simply display the identification/latin name as it suggested by the photographer. Some of them are good with taxonomy but others still need to learn and many leaving the photos unidentified. To improve the quality of photos that will be published, we have new mechanism to allow contributors to suggest on the identification/ latin name. Once it reaches certain threshold, it is flagged as ready for being published. You can always give your hand by going to Pending Identity page.


Pending Quality

Besides identification correctness, we also want that all published photos to have certain degree of quality to be used as identification tools. It is not only pleasing to the eye but the angle and compositions need to be correct. Underwater photography needs a good lighting technique to produce a photo with good sharpness and correct coloration. Anyone welcomed to help voting on the newly uploaded photos by simply choosing thumbs up or thumbs down on every photo. Go to Pending Quality page.

Need Photographs

Below is the list of nudibranch species listed in Nudi Pixel but there are no photos of it. If you have one, please submit to us so we can have a more complete collection.

  1. Aegires ninguis Fahey and Gosliner, 2004
  2. Aeolidiella drusilla Bergh, 1900
  3. Aldisa fragaria Tibiriçá, Pola & Cervera, 2017
  4. Amanda armata Macnae, 1954
  5. Anisodoris fontainei (d'Orbigny, 1837)
  6. Antiopella longidentata (Gosliner, 1981) Antiopella longidentata (Gosliner, 1981)
  7. Aphelodoris antillensis Bergh, 1879
  8. Armina aoteana Miller & Willan, 1986
  9. Bathyberthella antarctica Willan & Bertsch, 1987
  10. Bathyberthella zelandiae Willan, 1983
  11. Berthella agassizi (MacFarland, 1909)
  12. Berthellina granulata
  13. Bornella japonica Baba, 1949
  14. Bulla ampulla Linnaeus, 1758
  15. Cadlina rumia Er. Marcus, 1955
  16. Calliopaea bellula Orbigny, 1837
  17. Caloria quatrefagesi (Vayssière, 1888)
  18. Ceratodoris stellata (Rudman, 2004)
  19. Ceratosoma palliolatum Rudman, 1988
  20. Cerberilla asamusiensis Baba, 1940
  21. Cerberilla potiguara Padula & Delgado, 2010
  22. Chromodoris cavae Eliot, 1904
  23. Chromodoris galactos Rudman & S. Johnson, 1985
  24. Chromodoris petechialis (Gould, 1852)
  25. Chromodoris regalis (Ortea, Caballer & Moro, 2001)
  26. Colga villosa (Odhner, 1907)
  27. Cratena capensis Barnard, 1927
  28. Cuthonella soboli Martynov, 1992
  29. Cyerce cristallina (Trinchese, 1881)
  30. Discodoris fragilis (Alder & Hancock, 1864)
  31. Dondice occidentalis (Engel, 1925)
  32. Doridunculus unicus Martynov et Roginskaya, 2005
  33. Doriopsilla capensis (Bergh, 1907)
  34. Doriopsilla peculiaris (Abraham, 1877)
  35. Doris verrucosa Linnaeus, 1758
  36. Doto maculata (Montagu, 1804)
  37. Elysia cornigera T. R. Nuttall, 1989
  38. Ercolania boodleae (Baba, 1938)
  39. Erronea caurica (Linnaeus, 1758)
  40. Facelina olivacea Macnae, 1954
  41. Glossodoris aeruginosa Rudman, 1995
  42. Glossodoris dendrobranchia Rudman, 1990
  43. Glossodoris vespa Rudman, 1990
  44. Goniodoris mercurialis Macnae, 1958
  45. Goniodoris mimula Er. Marcus, 1955
  46. Guyvalvoria gruzovi Martynov, 2006
  47. Guyvalvoria savinkini Martynov, 2006
  48. Halgerda onna Fahey & Gosliner, 2001
  49. Halgerda paliensis (Bertsch & S. Johnson, 1982)
  50. Hallaxa albopunctata Gosliner & S. Johnson, 1994
  51. Hallaxa paulinae Gosliner & S. Johnson, 1994
  52. Heterodoris antipodes Willan, 1981
  53. Hoplodoris bramale Fahey & Gosliner, 2003
  54. Hoplodoris pustulata (Abraham, 1877)
  55. Hypselodoris babai Gosliner & Behrens, 2000
  56. Hypselodoris marci Marcus, 1970
  57. Janolus eximius Miller & Willan, 1986
  58. Janolus ignis Miller & Willan, 1986
  59. Janolus mokohinau Miller & Willan, 1986
  60. Janolus savinkini Martynov & Korshunova, 2012
  61. Loy meyeni Martynov, 1994
  62. Melanochlamys miqueli (Pelorce, Horst & Hoarau, 2013)
  63. Murmania antiqua Martynov, 2006
  64. Notodoris lanzarotensis Moro & Ortea, 2015
  65. Noumea closei Rudman, 1986
  66. Onchidoris brasiliensis Alvim, Padula & Pimenta, 2011
  67. Paradoris hypocrita Yonow, 2020
  68. Phidiana pegasus Willan, 1988
  69. Phyllidia goslineri Brunckhorst, 1993
  70. Phyllidia menindie (Brunckhorst, 1993)
  71. Phyllidia monacha Yonow, 1986
  72. Phyllidia scottjohnsoni Brunckhorst, 1993
  73. Piseinotecus sphaeriferus (Schmekel, 1965)
  74. Pleuredhera haraldi Marcus & Marcus, 1970
  75. Plocamopherus lemur Valles & Gosliner, 2006
  76. Proloy millenae Martynov, 1994
  77. Pseudotritonia antarctica (Odhner, 1934)
  78. Roboastra caboverdensis Pola, Cervera & Gosliner, 2003
  79. Rostanga phepha Garovoy, Valdés & Gosliner, 2001
  80. Spinophallus falciphallus (Gosliner, 2011)
  81. Tambja haidari Pola, Cervera & Gosliner, 2006
  82. Thordisa luteola Chan & Gosliner, 2007
  83. Thuridilla neona Gosliner, 1995
  84. Trapania bonellenae Valdés, 2009
  85. Trapania dalva Marcus, 1972
  86. Trapania goslineri Millen & Bertsch, 2000
  87. Trinchesia concinna (Alder & Hancock, 1843)
  88. Trinchesia divanica Martynov, 2002
  89. Trinchesia willani Cervera, Garcia-Gomez & Lopez-Gonzalez, 1992
  90. Tritonicula hamnerorum (Gosliner & Ghiselin, 1987)