Nudibranch Capital of the World

  1. Bali , Indonesia (471 species)
  2. Anilao , Philippines (423 species)
  3. Lembeh , Indonesia (376 species)
  4. Watamu , Kenya (323 species)
  5. Dauin , Philippines (312 species)
  6. Romblon , Philippines (293 species)
  7. Malindi , Kenya (228 species)
  8. Raja Ampat , Indonesia (206 species)
  9. Komodo , Indonesia (198 species)
  10. Manado , Indonesia (191 species)

Most Widespread Nudibranch in the World

  1. Phyllidia varicosa (30 countries)
  2. Pteraeolidia ianthina (29 countries)
  3. Phyllidia ocellata (28 countries)
  4. Caloria indica (26 countries)
  5. Elysia ornata (26 countries)
  6. Jorunna funebris (26 countries)
  7. Phyllidiella pustulosa (26 countries)
  8. Hexabranchus sanguineus (24 countries)
  9. Coryphellina exoptata (23 countries)
  10. Glossodoris cincta (23 countries)

Nudi Pixel Facts

Nudi Pixel hosts a total number of 40,865 which consist of 38,924 nudibranch photos and 1,941 non-nudibranch pictures which include all nudibranch look-alike species such as marine flatworms, ovulids, cowries, shells, etc.

Summing up 1,495 nudibranch species with 210 non-nudibranch species result in total of 1,705 species listed and complimented with photographs. Our board of nudibranch experts have helped us verifying 15,301 nudibranch photos (39.31% from all Nudi Pixel nudibranch photo collections) and still counting.

The photographs of the nudibranch and sea slug specimens were taken in 562 different nudibranch dive sites spreaded in 99 different countries worldwide.

Thanks to all 988 contributed nudibranch photographers from 25 different nationalities and 307 different cameras which helped them producing magnificent nudibranch photos we see in Nudi Pixel.

* Figures above are not real time data, last updated 2 days ago.